Bücher zum Thema
Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)
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Warpenter, Austin
IT Infrastructure and Operations Management: Mastering The Concepts, Techniques, and Applications.Independently published, 2024
Taschenbuch; 137 Seiten; ab 19,16 Euro
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s.r.o., CloudMatrix
Mastering AWS CLI: A Comprehensive Guide to Automating and Managing Cloud InfrastructureIndependently published, 2024
Taschenbuch; 154 Seiten; ab 15,29 Euro
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Süß, Ralf; Süß, Yannik
IT Infrastructure: Security and Resilience SolutionsApress, 2024
Taschenbuch; 316 Seiten; ab 13,75 Euro
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Chachra, Deb
How Infrastructure Works: Transforming our shared systems for a changing worldTorva, 2023
Gebundene Ausgabe; 320 Seiten; ab 26,97 Euro
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Smith, Matthew
IT Infrastructure for the Complete Beginner: The perfect starter guide for any IT role (Information Technology for the Complete Beginner)Independently published, 2023
Taschenbuch; 152 Seiten; ab 11,76 Euro
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Montagnino, Marian
Building Modern CLI Applications in Go: Develop next-level CLIs to improve user experience, increase platform usage, and maximize productionPackt Publishing, 2023
Taschenbuch; 406 Seiten; ab 33,99 Euro
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Feldman, Stephanie
Saturnalia: A wholly original blend of feminism, cli-fi, suspense and magical realism perfect for Halloween (English Edition)VERVE Books, 2023
Kindle Ausgabe; 204 Seiten; ab 8,15 Euro
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Wang, Rosemary
Infrastructure As Code, Patterns and Practices: With Examples in Python and TerraformManning Publications, 2022
Taschenbuch; 378 Seiten; ab 57,18 Euro
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Morris, Kief
Handbuch Infrastructure as Code: Prinzipien, Praktiken und Patterns für eine cloudbasierte IT-InfrastrukturO'Reilly, 2021
Broschiert; 450 Seiten; ab 44,90 Euro
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Geisler, Frank; Kettner, Benjamin
Microsoft Azure für Dummies (...für Dummies)Wiley-VCH, 2021
Taschenbuch; 384 Seiten; ab 28,00 Euro
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Paradis, Johanne; Genesee, Fred; Crago, Martha
Dual Language Development & Disorders: A Handbook on Bilingualism and Second Language Learning (CLI) (English Edition)Brookes Publishing, 2021
Kindle Ausgabe; 424 Seiten; ab 36,04 Euro
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Morris, Kief
Infrastructure as Code: Dynamic Systems for the Cloud AgeO'Reilly Media, 2021
Taschenbuch; 427 Seiten; ab 67,16 Euro
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Arankalle, Chinmay; Dwyer, Gareth; Geerdink, Bas; Gera, Kunal; Liao, Kevin; N.S., Anand
The Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure Workshop: Build your own highly scalable and robust data storage systems that can support a variety of cutting-edge AI applications (English Edition)Packt Publishing, 2020
Kindle Ausgabe; 845 Seiten; ab 28,49 Euro
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Imsirovic, Ajdin
Vue CLI 3 Quick Start GuidePackt Publishing, 2019
Taschenbuch; 200 Seiten; ab 24,99 Euro
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Nastase, Ramon
Cisco CCNA Command Guide: Dein Cisco CLI Netzweke CCNA BefehleIndependently published, 2018
Taschenbuch; 48 Seiten; ab 7,48 Euro
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Nastase, Ramon
Computernetzwerke: Dein Cisco CLI Netzweke CCNA Befehle, 2018
Kindle Ausgabe; 53 Seiten; ab 2,99 Euro
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Bloom, Dan
CLI-FI: Canadian Tales of Climate Change; The Exile Book of Anthology Series, Number Fourteen (English Edition)Exile Editions, 2017
Kindle Ausgabe; 285 Seiten; ab 5,69 Euro
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Hogenson, Gordon
C++/CLI: The Visual C++ Language for .NETApress, 2016
Taschenbuch; 448 Seiten; ab 59,99 Euro
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Cosmopolitan Commons: Sharing Resources and Risks across Borders (Infrastructures) (English Edition)The MIT Press, 2013
Kindle Ausgabe; 457 Seiten; ab 22,46 Euro
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Miller, James S.; Ragsdale, Susann
The Common Language Infrastructure Annotated Standard (MICROSOFT NET DEVELOPMENT SERIES)Addison Wesley, 2003
Taschenbuch; 928 Seiten; ab 11,37 Euro
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