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.NET Platform Standard

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Freeman, Adam
Pro ASP.NET Core 6: Develop Cloud-Ready Web Applications Using MVC, Blazor, and Razor Pages
Apress, 2022
Taschenbuch; 1286 Seiten; ab 55,99 Euro
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Bilgin, Can
Mobile Development with .NET - Second Edition: Build cross-platform mobile applications with Xamarin.Forms 5 and ASP.NET Core 5
Packt Publishing, 2021
Taschenbuch; 572 Seiten; ab 32,99 Euro
 Details und Bestellung bei

Freeman, Adam
Pro ASP.NET Core 3: Develop Cloud-Ready Web Applications Using MVC, Blazor, and Razor Pages
Apress, 2020
Taschenbuch; 1109 Seiten; ab 64,19 Euro
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Mark J. Price
C# 8.0 and .NET Core 3.0 - Modern Cross-Platform Development: Build applications with C#, .NET Core, Entity Framework Core, ASP.NET Core, and ML.NET using Visual Studio Code, 4th Edition
Packt Publishing, 2019
Taschenbuch; 818 Seiten; ab 65,99 Euro
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Metzgar, Dustin
.NET Core in Action
Manning, 2018
Taschenbuch; 288 Seiten; ab 58,96 Euro
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Verma, Rishabh; Shrivastava, Neha
.NET Core 2.0 By Example: Learn to program in C# and .NET Core by building a series of practical, cross-platform projects (English Edition)
Packt Publishing, 2018
Kindle Ausgabe; 460 Seiten; ab 31,49 Euro
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Freeman, Adam
Pro ASP.NET Core MVC 2
Apress, 2017
Taschenbuch; 1046 Seiten; ab 49,44 Euro
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and Technology, National Institute of Standards; Commerce, U.S. Department of
Checking the Net Contents of Packaged Goods (NIST HB 133)
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012
Taschenbuch; 188 Seiten; ab 12,82 Euro
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Sanderson, Steven
Pro ASP.NET MVC V2 Framework (Expert's Voice in .NET): Build the most maintainable, standards-compliant, and best performing web applications on the Microsoft platform
Apress, 2010
Taschenbuch; 776 Seiten; ab 22,50 Euro
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Nathan, Adam
.Net and Com: The Complete Interoperability Guide
Sams Publishing, 2002
Taschenbuch; 1608 Seiten; ab 14,54 Euro
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