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Microsoft Synchronization Services for ADO.NET

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Penberthy, William; Roberts, Steve
Pro .NET on Amazon Web Services: Guidance and Best Practices for Building and Deployment
Apress, 2022
Taschenbuch; 684 Seiten; ab 55,89 Euro
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International Handbook of Ecumenical Diakonia: Contextual Theologies and Practices of Diakonia and Christian Social Services: Resources for Study and Intercultural Learning (Regnum Handbooks)
Fortress Pr, 2021
Gebundene Ausgabe; 715 Seiten; ab 47,03 Euro
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Routledge Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Change (Routledge Handbooks)
Taylor & Francis, 2020
Gebundene Ausgabe; 468 Seiten; ab 165,00 Euro
 Details und Bestellung bei Amazon.de

Weil, Roman L.; Lentz, Daniel G.; Evans, Elizabeth A.
Litigation Services Handbook: The Role of the Financial Expert
Wiley, 2017
Gebundene Ausgabe; 1440 Seiten; ab 223,76 Euro
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Vayenas, Constantinos G.; Souentie, Stamatios N.-A.
Gravity, Special Relativity, and the Strong Force: A Bohr-Einstein-de Broglie Model for the Formation of Hadrons
Springer, 2012
Gebundene Ausgabe; 162 Seiten; ab 83,99 Euro
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Wijnhoven, Fons
Information Services Design: A Design Science Approach for Sustainable Knowledge (Routledge Studies in Organization and Systems) (English Edition)
Routledge, 2011
Kindle Ausgabe; 247 Seiten; ab 35,60 Euro
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John Gardner
For Special Services
Orion Publishing Group Limited, 2011
Audible Hörbuch; Seiten; ab 20,08 Euro
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Meezan, William; Martin, James I.
Handbook of Research with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Populations
Routledge, 2008
Gebundene Ausgabe; 474 Seiten; ab 174,16 Euro
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Mellor, Joanna; Ivry, Joann
Advancing Gerontological Social Work Education (Journal of Gerontological Social Work)
Routledge, 2003
Gebundene Ausgabe; 288 Seiten; ab 149,50 Euro
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Andrew Ross
[(No Respect : Intellectuals and Popular Culture)] [By (author) Andrew Ross] published on (September, 1989)
Taylor & Francis Ltd, 1989
Taschenbuch; Seiten; ab 98,93 Euro
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