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Constructed Type

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Combeer, Elizabeth; Patel, Mitul
The Final FRCA Constructed Response Questions: A Practical Study Guide (MasterPass) (English Edition)
CRC Press, 2023
Kindle Ausgabe; Seiten; ab 57,85 Euro
 Details und Bestellung bei Amazon.de

Hillhouse, Grady
Engineering in Plain Sight: An Illustrated Field Guide to the Constructed Environment
No Starch Press, 2022
Gebundene Ausgabe; 264 Seiten; ab 30,99 Euro
 Details und Bestellung bei Amazon.de

Rogers, Tiffany D; Patton, Cynthia; Mankin, Debbie
Colorfully Constructed: How God Builds His Kingdom with Unique Personality Colors
Wordcrafts Press, 2021
Gebundene Ausgabe; 104 Seiten; ab 28,73 Euro
 Details und Bestellung bei Amazon.de

van Wageningen, Mark
Type and Color: How to Design and Use Multicolored Typefaces (step-by-step guide to designing typefaces with multiple colors, essential new graphic design and typography book)
Princeton Architectural Press, 2019
Gebundene Ausgabe; 176 Seiten; ab 19,95 Euro
 Details und Bestellung bei Amazon.de

MacKenzie, Donald
Material Markets: How Economic Agents are Constructed (Clarendon Lectures in Management Studies)
Oxford University Press, 2019
Taschenbuch; 240 Seiten; ab 33,62 Euro
 Details und Bestellung bei Amazon.de

Skinner, Frank W.
Types and Details of Bridge Construction, Vol. 2: Plate Girders, Examples of Constructed Railroad and Highways Spans (Classic Reprint)
Forgotten Books, 2015
Taschenbuch; 430 Seiten; ab 30,64 Euro
 Details und Bestellung bei Amazon.de

Lupton, Ellen
Thinking with Type: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, & Students (English Edition)
Princeton Architectural Press, 2014
Kindle Ausgabe; 224 Seiten; ab 17,99 Euro
 Details und Bestellung bei Amazon.de

Sawyer, L. A.; Mitchell, W. H.
Liberty Ships: The History of the Emergency Type Cargo Ships Constructed in the United States During the Second World War: The History of the ... in the United States During World War Two
LLP Professional Publishing, 1985
Taschenbuch; 261 Seiten; ab 86,71 Euro
 Details und Bestellung bei Amazon.de

Sawyer, L.A.; Mitchell, William Harry
Liberty Ships: The History of the 'Emergency' Type Cargo Ships Constructed in the United States During World War Two
David & Charles, 1970
Gebundene Ausgabe; 224 Seiten; ab 39,28 Euro
 Details und Bestellung bei Amazon.de

Type of Canal to be Constructed at Panama ... Letter from Mr. C. Henry Hunter, Chief Engineer Manchester Ship Canal, of Manchester, England, addressed to Hon. A. B. Kittredge ...
, 1
Taschenbuch; Seiten; ab 26,91 Euro
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