Bücher zum Thema
Biztalk Framework
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Palani, Velu; Havens, Charlie
A Master Framework for the CRM Center of Excellence: Introducing universal standards for customer relationship management CoEsVelu Palani, 2024
Taschenbuch; 168 Seiten; ab 51,37 Euro
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Van Looveren, Stef
Learning Drupal as a framework: Your guide to custom Drupal 9. Full code included.Independently published, 2021
Taschenbuch; 255 Seiten; ab 34,86 Euro
Details und Bestellung bei Amazon.de

Sakkers, Olaf
Mobility Disruption Framework: How everything that moves is becoming a marketplace and what that means for youRedBlue Partners LLC, 2021
Taschenbuch; 184 Seiten; ab 22,79 Euro
Details und Bestellung bei Amazon.de

Mántaras, Agustín
BizTalk Server 2016: Performance Tuning and OptimizationApress, 2018
Taschenbuch; 560 Seiten; ab 49,99 Euro
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Betts, Dominic; Dominguez, Julian; Melnik, Grigori; Simonazzi, Fernando; Subramanian, Mani
Exploring CQRS and Event Sourcing: A journey into high scalability, availability, and maintainability with Windows Azure (Microsoft patterns & practices)Microsoft patterns & practices, 2013
Taschenbuch; 376 Seiten; ab 46,00 Euro
Details und Bestellung bei Amazon.de

DiNubile, Nicholas A.; Bruce Scali
FrameWork for the Shoulder: A 6-Step Plan for Preventing Injury and Ending Pain (English Edition)Rodale Books, 2011
Kindle Ausgabe; 226 Seiten; ab 3,82 Euro
Details und Bestellung bei Amazon.de

Loftin, Robert J.
First Steps: Developing BizTalk ApplicationsApress, 2007
Taschenbuch; 102 Seiten; ab 18,18 Euro
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Hohpe, Gregor; Woolf, Bobby
Enterprise Integration Patterns: Designing, Building, and Deploying Messaging SolutionsAddison Wesley, 2003
Gebundene Ausgabe; 480 Seiten; ab 64,19 Euro
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Travis, Brian E.
XML and SOAP Programming for BizTalk Servers, w. CD-ROM: Build business-to-business e-commerce solutions using XML, SOAP, and the BizTalk FrameworkMicrosoft Press Books, 2000
Taschenbuch; 428 Seiten; ab 41,97 Euro
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Committee on the Design and Evaluation of Safer Chemical Substitutions: A Framework to Inform Government and Industry Decision; Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology; Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology; Division on Earth and Life Studies; National Research Council
A Framework to Guide Selection of Chemical Alternatives (English Edition)National Academies Press, 1
Kindle Ausgabe; 557 Seiten; ab 34,05 Euro
Details und Bestellung bei Amazon.de